
The Winter School is organized as a two-part hands-on eye tracking exercise. In the first part, students learn to replicate an Eye Movements in Programming (EMIP) study conducted previously by Krejtz. et al. 2022. Students will build the experiment in PsychoPy, collect eye movement data, extract and process the data, and apply statistical tools to obtain basic results given scripts composing the gaze analytics pipeline. Table-mounted eye trackers from Gazepoint will be provided to 3-student teams.

In the second part, students design their own simple (e.g., image-based) experiment utilizing PsychoPy, Scribus, and Gazepoint. They will then process their small data sets using the same analytics pipeline, now tailored to the given experiment. Students will then write up their results in Overleaf and present their lessons learned at the conclusion of the Winter School.

Hands-on Sessions

In the hands-on sessions, students will work with PsychoPy software to build simple image-based studies. The Gazepoint eye tracker is used as the testing apparatus. Additional software such as HDFView and Scribus will be used to define Areas Of Interest, and to view .hdf5 files recorded by PsychoPy. Hands-on lectures focus on data collection, organization, visualization, and collation, prior to subsequent statistical analysis.

Download Program

Program (last updated 5 January)

Posters (last updated 8 January, 22:45)

Download Speaker Abstracts

Abstract Andrew Duchowski

Abstract Nina Gehrer

Abstract Izabela Krejtz

Abstract Krzysztof Krejtz


Course material will be made available on Moodle. Login information has been sent by e-mail.




Winter School 2016